Change Management

Seaport Group support and help individuals, teams, and organisations in performing organisational changes, weather these are necessitated due to technology changes, changed business practices, market condition changes, market changes, mergers and acquisitions, or anything other drivers.

Seaport Group supports organisations / enterprises through changes that causes major disruption to the organisation, the staff, daily working routines, be these installation of new TOS, PCS, automation of cargo handling equipment (CHE) and transformation to paperless operation. – Our aim is to ensure that the organisational changes, working procedures, and new business practices are adopted by the people who are affected.

Seaport work out from the philosophy that there are no such thing as “one size fits all” in Change Management projects. – We allow the change management manager and the team to use a set of methods and techniques that are adapted to the specific situation. Common for all change projects is that we consider the topics of: “human element”, “create acceptance”, “secure ownership”, “start the changes in the top”, “involve all layers in the organisation, and “communicate”.
