IT System Testing

We support Port and Terminals as well as TOS vendors in QA and testing of TOS applications in connection with TOS implementation projects, as well as any other IT system implementation in ports and terminals. We have over the last 15 years developed a long list of test cases and testing scenarios, which we have collected from our more than 12 TOS and general IT systems procurements, as well as our more than 35 TOS implementations, supports our clients.

Define and document test cases: We define and document user test cases for all test types and testing levels, including defining major business/operations risks, and defining success criteria or KPIs to be measure against.

Constructing test data: We provide initial testing data, such as MOVINS, BAPLIE, cargo units, master data (vessels, CHE, etc.), bookings, etc.

Functionality testing (on isolated operations functions): We ensure that all functionalities are included in the TOS application, which also includes functions that are standard in the system, but not captured in the TOS procurement contract. We also ensure that process can be carried out, be these vessel, rail and yard operations planning, job dispatching in right sequence, and that that all data/information can be entered, reports contain the right information, rules for changing cargo status (e.g. customs), etc.

Functionality testing across TOS modules: We will ensure that all information, planning, documentation, dispatching, etc. are transferred across all TOS modules and that all cargo movements, cargo unit changes, events, special services are captured for later documentation, reporting, and billing purposes.

Integration testing: We test the quality of the integration between the TOS and 3rd party / external systems, be these Port Community Systems, ERP/accounting systems, Asset Management Systems, Remote Monitoring Systems, DGPS, 3rd party GOS, gate OCR, crane OCR, rail OCR, and many more.

  • Level 1 – Testing of ICC Integrations: Does the integrations work according to integration specifications, and does it live up to what would be expected of current best practice TOS?
  • Level 2 – System Integration Testing: Is the data correctly sent from the sending application and received at the receiving application so that a User Acceptance Tests including both applications really can be performed in the next testing stage?
  • Level 3 – User Acceptance Testing: If I do this in the TOS application, do I really get the expected result?

Live Operations Testing: We will uncover errors only occurring during live operations conditions. – In addition we also test the new business processes, SOPs, and if staffs in various operation scenarios are acting as planned.
