Automation for Logistic Industry

Seaport Group BV has been working with major automation solution providers/vendors, been developing automation solutions for the logistic industry, including designing more than 30 automated terminals, since 2005.

  • We are part of making battery driven and autonomous trucks solutions a natural element in marine terminals.
  • We were part of the first unmanned and automated STS cranes for marine terminals.
  • We were part of designing the first battery and lift automated guided vehicles (L-AGVs, and B-AGVs) for marine terminals.
  • We were part of the first unmanned and Automated Stacking Cranes (ASC or Automated RMGS), and Cantilever-RMGs (CRMG)
  • We were part of the first automated terminal in the USA, Virginia, back in 2003 – 2005.
  • We were part of the process of making automated gates commercial off the shelf products,

Automation shall be considered in the early design stages, and shall in addition consider expectations regarding emerging technologies, future cost of labour, energy prices, environmental footprint, noise reduction requirements, requirement for CO2 reductions, etc.


The result of the fast development in automation is a planning and design process very different than previously in the following areas:

  • Intelligent operations IT systems
  • Layouts catering for optimum cargo handling equipment and cargo logistics
  • Increase in number of Human Machine Interfaces (areas between unmanned machines and humans)
  • Modified civil infrastructure, power infrastructures, catering for larger and more powerful handling equipment and cranes
  • Less energy consumption
  • Less labour-intensive operation


It is important to understand that the potential benefits of automation are:

  • Cost savings
  • Higher economic volume capacity


But automation also involves:

  • Higher up-front investments
  • Longer payback period
  • Less operations flexibility